Testing My Used Stanley No. 7 Jointer Plane


Since my post about buying used Stanley planes from eBay, I’ve been hunting for a used Stanley No. 7 jointer plane. After losing several auctions, I finally got a No. 7 in decent condition for $98. I also picked up a No.5 Stanley jack plane for $41.

Used Stanley Planes

How I have three used Stanley planes, including the Stanley #4 smoothing plane, which I got a few weeks ago. But let’s talk about the used Stanley No. 7 jointer plane, which was by far the most difficult plane to purchase at a bargain.

eBay Stanley No 7, No 5, No 4 (2)

All the Stanley No. 7s on eBay sold for more than $100, with some fetching closer to $150. Initially, I was bidding for a No. 7 with corrugated base, but the bidding was crazy on that one.

Stanley Knob Two-Tone

My used Stanley no. 7 jointer plane has a two-tone knob and was in decent shape. The surface rust on the iron and chip breaker is pretty easy to remove.

Jointer Plane Sole

The sole looks flat and has been set up by the previous owner. This is one of the things I love about buying used planes. Hands more skillful than mine has at some point plattened the sole, checked the sides for square, and deburred the entire plane.

Jointed Pine Wood

Here you can see the results of jointing a board with my used Stanley no. 7 jointer plane.

I survived all this while with my Taytools No. 5 Jack Plane, but recently I started working with 6-foot boards for my DIY workbench. The jack plane just wasn’t up to the task. The jointer plane quickly took off all the high spots, and I am pretty happy with how sharp the blade was when I got the plane.

Just like the other used eBay planes I’ve purchased, I will have to spend some time to clean up and set up this Stanley jointer plane. However, it looks like I’ll need to spend an hour at most to get it tuned up again.

If you’re looking for great deals on vintage, used Stanley no. 7 jointer planes, I definitely recommend trying eBay.

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