Premium Wood Watch Box from Maple & Sapele


I made this beautiful wood watch box for a friend, from Maple & Sapele. It was the first time for me, and the most challenging part was getting the measurements right.

I decided to plane the stock down to about 10mm to avoid making it too bulky. If I was to do this box all over again, I would increase that to 12mm (1/2 inch).

Wood Watch Box from Sapele and Maple

Unlike the wooden jewelry box I made a few weeks ago, the watch box needed exact dimensions for the watch compartments. This was really tricky. I attempted to make a wood watch box before, but screwed up at the exact dimensions, and got a much smaller box than I wanted.

This time, I made sure I got all the components ready first. The key ingredient was the watch pillows, which determines the width, length and height of each compartment.

Wooden Watches Box from Sapele and Maple

I decided on these burlap watch pillows, which I feel matches the overall look of the wood watch box and gave it a more earthly feel. It turned out to be the right call.

Wood Watch Box from Sapele and Maple

I made a jig to for spline cuts on the table saw, and another jig to make the actual spline strips from Sapele. I thought about adding a third species of wood to the watch box but decided not to. Maple and Sapele balance each other out really well.

Fancy Box Hasp

I used a fancy box hasp for this box and matching exposed hinges. I finished the box with Danish oil, my preferred choice of finish. It’s very versatile and truly brings out the deep colours and texture of wood.

Fancy Box Hinges

The odour is a bit more pleasant than Tung Oil. The second coat of Danish oil really sealed the deal..

Wooden Watch Box from Sapele and Maple

The watch box turned out better than I imagined. I love using Maple as it doesn’t twist or warp as much as other wood in humid Malaysian weather.

In the process of making this box, I developed my own “box calculator” for measuring the exact dimension of boxes, including internal compartments. This will definitely come in handy for future box-making projects.

Check out my Etsy shop for my latest boxes. I will be making watch boxes, jewelry boxes, keepsake boxes, and almost any kind of box I can think of. I’ll make cheaper ones from pine as well.

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